Dah lama aku tak berkunjung ke blog aku ni...
Ingat nak upload sikit koleksi gambar2 yang tak seberapa yang aku tangkap...
Nanti ada masa aku lekat la kat sini..
Sekarang ni sibuk sikit sebab keje kat opis dah tu baru pindah rumah...
10:19 |
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hari ini genap umur anakku yang pertama, 6 bulan...dah besar dah dia...dulu masa lahir kecik je...sekarang dah tembam dah...
sudah sampai fasa untuk dia merangkak, bg nestum...
senang la sikit nk jaga bila dah besar ni..pantang larang pun dah berkurang, tapi kena jaga gak adab2 tertentu...
12:38 |
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29 April, buying 2nd hand speedlite from photomalaysia forumer.Item in good condition..
Balik rumah try speedlite ni, awesome..gambar pun jadi cun, clear...lepas ni bole la amik gambar on low light condition..
nanti aku try attach sedikit gambar...
11:57 |
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snap using 50mm
Today (18/04/09) i got new lens..AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Most people called this lens as Prime Lens.
But the quality of the picture quite good..can do bokeh awesome..huhu
For portrait, this lens also good.. you also can train yourself using this lens as it is manual lens, cannot autofocus
Maybe i will put here some of my experiment with this lens..
Coming soon...
00:01 |
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On 28th February, I'm going to Bidor, my adik ipar engagement.This is the time I try my camera with my own skill...hhehhe..very poor skill.
Picture taken not bad at all..hehehe
maybe later i will upload some of photo..
currently this one is enough..heheh
19:38 |
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This is another try from me..this is called "Bokeh"..the pronounce (betul ke aku eja..heheh) is from Japan..Very interesting technique, and I'm sure everyone can do this technique.
Technique where you snap the picture that make the background blurrrrrrr..very2 blur...huhuh.
Take a look a few picture for this technique..still learning to get the best..heheheh
This is another picture..but not sure what it call..
You can see the different from the upper picture...the back flower is in focus and the front flower become blurrrrr....
these picture is more about DOF...very interesting..
these picture can be made more blurrr..still trying the best..newbie maaa..heheh

18:14 |
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last few week..try to snap using panning technique.
very difficult for the first time, but then try and try..really got the technique, very easy, but u need to set the camera with the correct setting...
here are the picture that i try panned..not very perfect..still study the best way to snap.
have a look....hehehe :)
18:05 |
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